CBD Edibles: Gummies and why they are so darn good!

We love CBD edibles here at Paso - in fact, it’s one of the main reasons we started Paso in the first place.  We found the selection of CBD sweet treats - namely CBD gummies and CBD chocolate - for sale in the UK were minimal at best! What’s more, the CBD gummies and CBD chocolate that were available paid little to no attention to taste. The feedback we constantly heard was always that CBD edibles, especially CBD gummies tended to taste too "hempy" and earthy, and what's more often crammed full of artificial colours sweeteners, leading many to avoid them and opting to take CBD in other formats (or not at all!). We knew this didn’t have to be the case so we decided to launch a range of CBD edible products where taste and deliciousness are placed front and centre. 

In this post, we want to focus on some of the key aspects of one of our CBD edibles - the gummy - little bursts of fruity goodness! In the UK CBD gummies are becoming increasingly popular - we are seeing more brands pop up selling gummies in the market and, given its recognisable format, a lot of people are using it as their entry point into the world of CBD. We will outline some of the key benefits with CBD edible gummies and what makes the CBD gummies on sale at Paso so different! 


Paso CBD Fruit Gummies for sale in the UK

Dosage and slow release

CBD gummies are a great way of taking CBD as it’s easy to know and track exactly how much CBD you are putting into your body. Each gummy is accurately dosed to a specific amount of CBD (20mg in the case of our gummies) so you can pop in the number of gummies you need to meet your desired dosage. It is important to remember though, that the effects of the CBD when you are having it in a CBD gummy take a bit longer to actualise because they need to pass through your digestive system to get into your bloodstream (before interacting with your endocannabinoid system).  So, it will take about 1.5 - 2 hours after eating a gummy for the gummy to have an effect on your body. This means that CBD edible gummies are often the best option for those of you who want to take CBD as more of a daily supplement (but a delicious one at that!) where you don’t experience its effects as quickly or in isolation to other things.  

Natural flavouring and not too sweet

When coming up with our CBD edible gummies the most important thing for us was that our CBD gummy was not too sweet and tasted very natural (in terms of fruitiness rather than hempiness!). All our gummies are made with natural fruit juices - apple, blueberry and cranberry - totally free from artificial flavouring, colourings and added sugar. And you can taste the difference - it's a little natural juice explosion in the mouth! 

Are CBD Gummies vegan?

You can buy CBD gummies in both vegan and non vegan versions, and we have definitely found an increasing demand for vegan options since launching last year. For now, our CBD gummies are not vegan as they are made with gelatin but this is something we are working on so we will keep you posted!

Paso Blueberry CBD Gummies For Sale in the UK

We really think we have some of the most delicious CBD edible gummies on sale in the UK at the moment. Cannabis Exchange appeared to agree awarding us CBD gummy of the year in 2019 as did  our pals at CBD Bible who awarded us CBD gummy of the year in 2020! But, as always, we only really care what you think so have a try and let us know!

Lastly, when you do pop one of our little CBD gummies in - remember to suck not chew for maximum CBD absorption! 

Click here if you want to Buy Paso CBD Gummies.